Molino Zombini

For more than 30 years the best flours
More than 30 years' experience in the sector has enabled us to develop and deepen such knowledge that we are able to develop top quality products for both STILL FISHING and CARPFISHING.
Research into the selection of elements is a guarantee that "MOLINO ZOMBINI" can guarantee thanks to the expertise it has acquired.
The information you will find on our website and in our catalogues will enable you to evaluate our products concretely.

Our experience of more than 30 years in the carpfishing sector has led us to develop a series of easy and straightforward products, tested and modified to their final formulation.
It all started with an international search for raw materials of higher quality than those currently used in the fishing industry.

The next phase was the reformulation with the new raw materials of products that had already been successfully used in the field for years.
The third phase was the intensive fishing test campaign with results that were nothing short of astounding as witnessed by fishermen who were the first to be able to use these products.