 / To carp month by month

To carp in October

From today begins a small column with monthly appointment, in which, we will try to explain in detail some items for self made. We will also suggest some recipes tested by us to help you more in choosing products according to the fishing season.

01 October 2020

School of self

Hello everyone from the Zombini mill team!

Starting today a small column with monthly appointment, in which, we will try to explain in detail some items for self made. We will also suggest some recipes tested by us to help you more in the choice of products according to the fishing season.

October is par excellence the month of change in the biological calendar of the carp: the advancing rains and the lowering of the temperature, make this become a time when our beloved cyprinids finally set out in constant search of food, knowing full well that a few months from now the food supplies made now will be essential to have a good winter.

We fishermen then get organized, plan a few fishing trips and set about making ad hoc boilies for the fall season or see if we can salvage some ready-made ones.

So far so ordinary. Yes, but what bait do we need now? What bait do carp go in search of this season?

If you are not an experienced self maker, we give you the answer, in a word...BIOCOMPLEX.

This is a mix with high nutritional value rich in noble proteins and essential amino acids. A bait that, in this context, can make all the difference especially if you decide to set up a preventive baiting campaign. Formulated with the best vegetable and non-vegetable flours: fortified with fish and liver hydrolysates, our fish-liver mix boasts of many important catches recorded by our staff and loyal customers.

We bring you a recipe that really continues to captivate for years. Let's analyze together each ingredient and let's see why its composition:

  • Biocomplex mix 1000gr: mix with high biological value with protein around 45% well-balanced fats and high taste power .
  • Liquid liver 50ml: predigested liquid liver, excellent supplement of amino acids and iron able to bring an important taste note to the bait.
  • Betaine hcl 10gr: this product very well known by all for its peculiarities, has an additional function that some fishermen ignore: it is really able to break down at the molecular level proteins from fats making a bait much more digestible and especially making much more soluble even in cold water the proteins contained in the final bait (a topic that will surely be covered in the future).
  • Fine salt 10gr:this simple product should never be lacking in the recipes of a good self-maker.
  • Sea abisess flavor 10ml:squid flavoring, really a well-structured product that we will analyze in detail later.
  • Peanut oil 30ml:the oil in the mixtures improves workability and, in this case, in addition to enriching the bait from the taste point of view, also enriches it with fat.
  • Nhdc synergy 4ml:the sweetener in fish baits could also be avoided, but, it serves to cover the more bitter aftertastes of some fish flours and thus to have a balanced taste on the final bait.

This well-structured bait has never failed our expectations.

For those who are not able to make their own boilies at home, they can rely on the Elitè boilies line and in detail the OVER COMPLEX, a bait made following this recipe in detail.

See you next time from the Molino Zombini team!

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